An Evening Uncovered – The Great Waterloo Night In

Join us on 26 February 2021 for a Waterloo Uncovered fundraising event – with a twist! An Evening Uncovered will be entirely virtual, and is designed to be enjoyed from the comfort of your home – this means that instead of having to make the usual small talk with a bunch of strangers, this year you get to spend our fundraiser in comfort, with only the most tolerable of people. Prepare to uncover your finest slippers for an unforgettable evening, hosted by the indomitable Gyles Brandreth – who may even reveal his own family connection to Napoleon Bonaparte over the course of the evening!

An Evening Uncovered will begin at 7:00pm with bespoke cocktails, after which we will uncover fun, stories, food, frolics, and your generosity – all to continue the support we give to service personnel and veterans trying to find peace from war. Throughout the night, there will be many wonderful opportunities to learn about our work at Waterloo and to uncover your generosity, including:

  • A fabulous auction, live from Bonhams.
  • Preposterously good raffle prizes, which you’ll get the chance to win.
  • Delectable dishes for you and any guests that may be joining you from Chef of the Year Adam Handling, who will be delivering a restaurant experience right to your door with pre-prepared high-quality meals and cocktails. ( See menu below for more details.)

Tickets to the Great Waterloo Uncovered Night In are free, but to make your night extra special and support our work in veteran welfare and recovery, purchase an Adam Handling meal and raffle tickets to make your night one to remember!

Book your ticket and find out more here.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here