Why be a member

Cobseo represents the whole Serving and Veterans Community – Some 6 million people and their dependants. Membership of Cobseo is open to Charities who promote and further the welfare and general interests of the Armed Forces Community, subject to fulfilling our membership criteria.  Details which can be found on the ‘How to Join Us’ page.

Member benefits

  • Develop policies for dealing with issues of common concern, particularly welfare
  • Facilitate direct access to individual member charities, with appropriate expertise, in order to lead on our membership’s behalf to present policies to government or equivalent
  • The Chairman of Cobseo and members of the Executive Committee sit on various Government groups and committees to ensure the Armed Forces Community voice is heard and account is taken of their particular needs and concerns
  • Regular communication from the Cobseo Office reviewing the activities of the Confederation, setting out subjects of interest and drawing members attention to key issues of the moment.
  • Provide a Cobseo website in which there is a members’ area that provides information and topics of interest and to which members are encouraged to contribute
  • Training events, including Trustee Training
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Cobseo Annual General Meeting – The AGM is an opportunity for the Cobseo Chairman to report on the past activities of the Confederation and to bring the members up to date on issues of common concern.  It is also an opportunity for the membership to have direct access to the Executive, Government Ministers and Officials and to discuss issues they may have.  A keynote speaker is often invited to address the meeting.
  • Central Cobseo office that will try and answer any query or question you may have

If members have any matter for concern, they can click here for contact details of the Cobseo office.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here