Governance Practices Aide Memoire

The Cobseo Governance Practices Aide Memoire and accompanying Information Note were launched at the AGM on 18th July 2018. The Aide Memoire describes the minimum good governance expectations all Member organisations should endeavour to achieve. It presents a flexible approach whereby organisations with established governance systems can refer to the minimum expectations listed in the Aide Memoire as a yardstick.

Those organisations still developing their governance arrangements can use the more detailed Information Note (and the template and model documents listed within) for an explanation for each individual governance measure they should have in place.

The Aide Memoire and Information Note are designed to cover the governance topics found in the non-statutory Charity Governance Code in England & Wales and similar codes in the other home nations. The two documents are downloadable below:

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here