Annington Trust supports SSAFA’s 2018 Short Breaks provision for serving military families

SSAFA is delighted to announce that the Annington Trust has awarded a grant of £6,000 to support SSAFA’s new Short Breaks provision in 2018.  The grant will enable SSAFA to offer places on the breaks at a reduced cost to families who have a child with an additional need and/or disability.

Two weekend-long breaks will be available in spring and winter for up to 90 family members. SSAFA will work in partnership with the Calvert Trust, Exmoor which offers a safe and supportive environment specifically designed for those with physical, learning, behavioural and sensory disabilities.

Children from serving military families with an additional need and/or disability may find it challenging to access recreational activities on military establishments and local authority respite breaks provision. This can lead to poorer mental and physical health amongst the children, including lowered self-esteem, social isolation, stress and anxiety.

This new provision is designed to give these children and their families a well- deserved break.  Children will be able to take part in new and exciting activities such as horse riding, kayaking, biking, sailing, archery and caving.  They will develop social skills, increase their self-confidence and derive a real sense of achievement from participation.

Making a difference to serving families

Jonathan Sandall, Director of Fundraising at SSAFA, said:

“This grant from the Annington Trust for SSAFA’s Short Breaks programme will truly make a difference. By giving military families with children who have additional needs or disabilities the chance to have fun together, in a safe and supported environment, SSAFA can give them the opportunity to bond and simply relax. It is important that we ensure that military families are as able to access this type of vital programme as any other group, which is why the Annington Trust’s generosity is so much appreciated.”

Helen Liddell, Chair of the Annington Trust said “We are delighted to be supporting SSAFA’s Short Breaks initiative for a second year.  The Trustees are very keen on projects that help Service youngsters build self-confidence and we are only too aware of the benefits these types of experiences can have on young people.  We hope everyone has a fantastic time.”

About the Annington Trust

Established in 1996 at the time Annington purchased the Married Quarters Estate, the Annington Trust supports Services Families living on the MQE by sponsoring community activities and projects.  Trustees include representatives from each of the Families’ Federations.

Grants have varied in size from small donations of a few hundred pounds for pre-school activities, youth organisations and sports clubs, to major awards of several thousands of pounds to provide much needed support for families.

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here