Author’s Talks: Jack Horner aka Leon the Pig Farmer, author, Talking Myself Out of Trouble

Meet Jack Horner aka Leon the Pig Farmer, Poet & Author of Talking Myself Out of Trouble & Don’t Believe the Hype.

Book your ticket here.

Date and time: Thursday 6 October 1900 to 2000

About this event

Jack Horner, aka Leon the pig farmer, is a Manchester-based Yorkshire beat poet…

An ex-serviceman who began writing verse to help him deal with a PTSD diagnosis. Leon has an assertive take on spoken word with fast firing rhythmic verse and a sharp outlook on both his mental health recovery and other social topics and observations that catch his eye.

An energetic delivery that has been compared to both a belt fed mortar explosion and a staccato assault full of energy and emotion which can silence and mesmerize an audience.

Advisory Note

Jack will be talking about mental health, PTSD and recovery.

Jack Horner aka Leon the Pig Farmer, author, Talking Myself Out of Trouble image

About Jack

Jack Horner, aka Leon the pig farmer, is a Manchester-based Yorkshire beat poet…

An ex-serviceman who began writing verse to help him deal with a PTSD diagnosis. Leon has an assertive take on spoken word with fast firing rhythmic verse and a sharp outlook on both his mental health recovery and other social topics and observations that catch his eye.

An energetic delivery that has been compared to both a belt fed mortar explosion and a staccato assault full of energy and emotion which can silence and mesmerize an audience.

“A wry and acutely observed eye, his poetry feels personal and relatable- no longer does a poet between bands elicit a groan.“- Even the stars

“A staccato burst of bareley controlled anger that grips you by the throat, Tales so perfectly crafted, they slide into your head. You ponder where you have heard anything as succinct before.“ – Reyt good magazine

“This guy has his own slant on the art, no prompts straight out with it. A true talent with a mind full of gems, compelling.“ – Louder than war

“The crowd is doused with poetic vitriol, with penetrating parables. Each performance cuts as deep as the last. He projects resoundingly raw verse, which truly revives the undiluted expression of the beat generation.” –

Jack Horner aka Leon the Pig Farmer, author, Talking Myself Out of Trouble image

Live Talk

Jack will talk about his new book – Don’t Believe the Hype.

Hosted by Company of Makers’ co-founder Steve Bomford


Jack’s talk will be followed by an interactive Q&A session, so you’ll have the opportunity to get involved and he’ll answer as many of your questions as we can squeeze in.

Important Information

Jack‘s verse from Talking Myself Out of Trouble will negotiate subjects associated to mental health and it’s darker side as well as celebration of recovery.

Within Don’t Believe the Hype, the verse is more politically provocative and asks serious questions as well as observations on social imbalances.

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