Bus Drivers Lose Lbs for Pounds

A team of nine bus drivers at Kings Lynn based bus service provider Lynx joined forces to raise money for local bereaved Armed Forces children’s charity, Scotty’s Little Soldiers.

For many people, January is the time of year to think about a fresh start. It’s during this month many of us declare; ‘new year, new me’. Unfortunately, for most of us, the idea is long forgotten by 1st February. However, one group of bus drivers in Kings Lynn are still going strong and have lost a staggering 233lbs combined to date, all for a good cause.

From an incredible 57lbs to 4 lbs, the team of nine have been working tirelessly since January to shed the lbs and raise vital funds for Scotty’s Little Soldiers. From taking up new exercise regimes to diet overhauls, every member of the team has pulled their weight and raised an incredible £790.80.

The individual amounts lost are as follows:

Nigel    57 lbs

Jason    50 lbs

Tim       32 lbs

Matt     30 lbs

Gary      25 lbs

Paul      18 lbs

Dave     13 lbs

Steve    4 lbs

George 4 lbs

Founded by war widow Nikki Scott in 2010, Scotty’s Little Soldiers now supports over 370 bereaved British military children and young people across the country. The charity was set up in memory of Nikki’s husband and father to her two children, Corporal Lee Scott after he was killed in Afghanistan in 2009.

Nikki said: “We’re all so grateful to the team at Lynx for all their hard work which, will not only improve their own lives but will go a long way to helping us make life better for even more bereaved Armed Forces children across the UK.”

Nigel Fish who has lost over 4 stone so far, through a combination of changing his diet and boxing, selected Scotty’s as the charity, the team would support due to his ties to the British Armed Forces.

Nigel who served in the Army prior to working for Lynx said: “Scotty’s Little Soldiers is a charity that’s close to my heart. Whilst serving I lost comrades who left families behind and I think Scotty’s does an amazing job of helping those families move on with their lives. I feel honoured to have the opportunity to support the charity and the families of fallen veterans.

“On behalf of my colleagues and myself, I would also like to thank the management team for their support and encouragement.  Lynx is a wonderful employer and we all agree the best company we have ever worked for.” 

Not only have Nigel and the team of drivers been busy spreading the word about Scotty’s and their weight loss journey on their bus routes, but the wider team have been supporting them with a substantial donation of £470, as well as helping to make posters advertising the campaign. Lynx and Scotty’s have been overwhelmed by the support of the local community.

In addition to the hard work of its drivers, Lynx put on a free bus for Alderman Peels Prom this year and asked for donations from parents which was also donated to Scotty’s.  This raised an additional £220.00 for the charity.

Nigel and the team have now committed to making this change a new way of life and are encouraging others to think about committing to a healthier lifestyle.


Notes to Editors:

To speak to a member of the Scotty’s Little Soldiers team, please contact Scotty’s national PR agency: Claire Lomax (claire@wolfstarconsultancy.com), Chris Grayson (chrisg@wolfstarconsultancy.com), Rochelle Tattersall (rochelle@wolfstarconsultancy.com) or 0113 273 7816.


About Scotty’s Little Soldiers:

Scotty’s Little Soldiers, founded in 2010, honours Corporal Lee Scott’s memory – both as a loyal soldier and a loving father – and provides a practical yet personal way for the public at large to show their appreciation for those brave individuals who make the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country. Currently, Scotty’s Little Soldiers supports 372 bereaved children and runs a variety of programmes to help children smile again and look forward to a brighter future. You can visit the charity online at scottyslittlesoldiers.co.uk.

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here