Collaboration encouraged throughout the Service Charities Sector through Cobseo’s latest Information Note

Cobseo, The Confederation of Services Charities, has published an Information Note on efficiencies and rationalisations encouraging its Membership to consider the benefits of collaborative working. The Note identifies the opportunities for Members to achieve efficiencies through various forms of joint working. The overall aim of all efficiencies is to achieve the greatest level of support for all beneficiaries.

The Information Note explores the increasing pressures on the charity sector that requires organisations to take bold decisions on how they operate to ensure a successful and sustainable future. The document describes four general forms of efficient working; convergence; cooperative; co-working; and consolidation, as well as the typical issues to be addressed to achieve a successful joint working arrangement.

The Note offers guidance to Members and does not contain any minimum expectations or firm obligations; its purpose is to stimulate discussion within the Membership and to present new ideas for Members to consider within their own organisation. It was written with the help of organisations within the Service Charities Sector and includes recent examples of successful collaborations to provide greater context and best practice.

The Efficiency and Rationalisation Information Note can be found here on the Cobseo Governance hub. For more information on the series of Aide Memoires now available for Members, please click here.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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