Drawing and Talking partners with The Annington Trust to offer dedicated Armed Forces Foundation Training Day on Friday 6 April

Stressed Schoolboy Studying In Classroom With Teacher

The event will be the first opportunity that Drawing and Talking has had to directly support Service families in the UK. The company has already trained over 18,000 professionals in more than 8,000 schools and charities in its safe and easy to learn serial drawing technique.

Catherine Beagley, managing director of Drawing and Talking, comments: “We’re incredibly thankful to the Annington Trust for hosting and subsidising this event as it ensures our training is more affordable for those wanting to attend this impactful day. It is part of our long-held vision to reach out to as many children, young people and their families as possible to provide the benefit of our highly-effective early intervention therapy method.”

Drawing and Talking was established in 2004 by Maria Beagley, a former SENCO, and her daughter, Catherine. The company hosts training days throughout the year, equipping adults with the tools they need to help children who have suffered trauma or who have underlying emotional difficulties that may be affecting their ability to access the world around them.

The method, stemmed from Dr John Allan’s Serial Drawing technique, encourages each side of the brain to work together to process difficult or painful memories by combining drawing, a right-brained activity, and talking, a left-brained activity. Over time, the child becomes more able to process and manage their pain which will often lead to more positive behaviour and engagement both socially and academically.

Helen Liddell, Chair of the Annington Trust, comments: “As the rise of mental health problems among children and young people remains high on the news agenda, announcing our collaboration with Drawing and Talking could not be more relevant. The Armed Forces Foundation Course Training day is a brilliant opportunity for those who want to learn how to utilise a powerful healing method for children and young people who may be suffering from emotional trauma.

“We expect the training day to be incredibly popular and would encourage anyone interested to register as soon as possible.”

To find out more about Drawing and Talking and to register your place at the Armed Forces Foundation Training day, priced at the special rate of £120 (reduced from £195), call 020 8715 0745 or visit drawingandtalking.com.


Further media information: Harriet Bolt / India Smith, Property House Marketing, 01483 561119, harriet@housegroup.co.uk

Notes for editors

Established in 1996, The Annington Trust supports services families living on the MOD’s Married Quarters Estate by sponsoring community activities and projects. To find out more, visit: www.anningtontrust.org

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