
Local charity launches Veterans Appeal

South-West based homeless charity Alabaré has announced the launch of our Homes For Veterans Appeal as we believe that no Veteran should be forced to sleep on the streets

By launching our appeal, we are hoping to raise awareness of the housing issues faced by Veterans in their life after the forces. Be it as a result of depression, PTSD or a family breakdown, too many find themselves in the desperate situation of being homeless.

We are hoping that by raising awareness of this issue, we can act to provide the hope and confidence that Veterans need for the future.

Andrew Lord, Chief Executive of Alabaré says;

“We see Veterans come to us with a variety of complex needs from issues surrounding mental health to housing. A donation of just £30 will allow us to provide the initial support for a Veteran moving into one of our homes. We are determined to make sure that no Veteran should be forced to sleep on the streets but we need your support.”

Through your support, our programme designed at helping ex-service personnel is able to provide bed spaces for over 120 Veterans every night, giving a second chance to Veterans like Graham.

Graham joined the army aged just 17 years old and served with distinction across the globe as a communications operative. However his life took a dramatic and tragic turn on one particular tour. Graham witnessed a close friend commit suicide and this traumatic event led to him leaving the forces.

After living in Germany for a short time, Graham returned to the UK where he began working as an engineer. However the psychological impact of his experiences from the military continued to haunt him. Graham struggled to cope with his experiences and turned to alcohol as a way of dealing with his issues.

His addiction meant that he sought help from a psychiatrist but unfortunately Graham’s issues meant that he lost his accommodation and was faced with the prospect of becoming homeless. It was at this point that Graham was made aware of Alabaré and he was able to move in to one of our dedicated Homes for Veterans

With the specialist help and support services on offer to him, Graham has been able to address his addiction issues and now has a much more positive outlook on life. He has been able to get back in to full-time employment at an IT company and has since moved on to a flat through the local council. Graham still continues to receive outreach support from Alabaré but sees himself in a much better place now.

“I’m so thankful for the support I’ve received from Alabaré, they’ve helped me get back on to my own two feet.”

Alabaré are asking people to make a donation which would help to ensure that vulnerable Veterans such as Graham can have a room and support at one of our Homes for Veterans.

Alabaré believe that with your help, we can make sure that no other Veteran is ever forced to sleep on the streets. To find out more please visit –


For more information or to arrange an interview call Harvey Taylor on 01722 344485.


At Alabaré we support people to overcome the barriers of homelessness, mental ill-health and learning disabilities in-order to have a home, health, choice and independence.

Alabaré Christian Care and Support provide the highest standards of accommodation and support to disadvantaged and vulnerable people in our communities in order that they can have a home, health, choice and independence. Since 1991, Alabaré have been working with people facing disadvantage through homelessness, mental ill-health, learning disability or a combination of these.  We provide housing and personalised support based on the individual needs and aspirations of each person, tackling underlying causes and giving them the skills and confidence to move forward with their lives.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here