Member Directory

The ICARUS Charity

Scottish Charity Number: SC049263

ICARUS is a veteran-led mental health treatment charity. We provide therapy, counselling and help for the range of difficulties and problems which often evolve from trauma, PTSD or other commonly related conditions, such as anger-management, excessive alcohol use and drug abuse. We are open to all the uniformed services, whether in the Army, Navy or the Air Force.
Treatment for veterans is FREE of charge, regardless of rank, unit, service record or age. We also treat serving personnel.

Contact Information
Third Floor
3 Hill Street
New Town,Edinburgh
0333 987 5055

Support Offered

At ICARUS we have developed a flexible and sympathetic treatment model which recognises the unique nature of military service and the military mindset and explored and adopted new concepts and treatment protocols, working on the basis that no ‘one size fits all’. Effective treatment has to be tailored to the individual and their personal circumstances. Reintegration back into civilian life often causes additional complications along with employment issues and drug and alcohol abuse. Even managing practical matters can impact on a veteran’s mental health. We try to offer veterans as much support and time as they require, to enable them to lead normal, well-adjusted lives.

All calls and enquiries are conducted in complete privacy. We understand the immediacy. You will be contacted and seen within 24 hours. All our sessions are online, using applications such as Zoom or Skype. Virtual treatment allows us to be more flexible with times and availability.

The majority of our team at ICARUS are connected to the armed forces – veterans themselves, married to veterans or closely associated with serving personnel. This veteran-to-veteran approach has been absolutely integral to the success of the charity, allowing an immediate understanding of the problems being faced, providing reassurance and support. Shared personal experience is a critical factor in dealing with the major crises that affect many of our veterans.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here