Member Directory

National Army Museum

Charity Number: 237902

The National Army Museum (NAM) is a Royal Chartered Museum and classified as an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body (‘ENDPB’) whose Sponsor Branch is the Ministry of Defence. The Museum is a registered Charity No: 237902

Mission: To tell the story of Our Army and the people who have served in it. To inspire, engage and educate, through our world class Museum and Collections.

Contact Information
Royal Hospital Rd

Support Offered

The Museum tells the story of Our Army and the people who have served in it by interpreting and communicating through our world class Museum and the objects in the Museum’s care in ways which inspire, engage and educate. By so doing, show the impact of the British Army on the making of Britain from the Middle Ages to the present day and on the role of Britain in the World. The Museum’s collections include un-rivalled historical archives of stories and papers of soldiers and noted service personnel, service records of disbanded Irish regiments, service records, firearms and medals

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here