Member Directory

Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Aid Society (FAS)

Charity Number: 229259

The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Aid Society (FAS) is the Regimental benevolent and welfare fund of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers and its antecedent Regiments. FAS has incorporated the benevolent funds of our antecedent Regiments and continues to honour their obligations.

Support Offered

FAS helps all Fusiliers, regardless of rank, serving and retired, and their families and dependants when they are in hardship or need. FAS supports regulars and reserves, as long as they are ‘badged’ as RRF and have at least one days service. A dependant is classed as:


– A spouse of a serving or former member of the Regiment

– A civil partner of a serving or former member of the Regiment

– Children of eligible persons who are aged under 18.

– A spouse of a serving or former member of the Regiment, who remarries or forms a new relationship with a non-eligible person, may not be eligible for future assistance from FAS.


It should be noted, however, that eligibility for assistance does not mean that assistance will be provided. Each case is considered on its merits.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here