PTSD Resolution Conference Explores Latest in Trauma Therapy for Veterans

On Saturday 14 October, PTSD Resolution hosted their annual conference at the Victory Services Club in central London.

The one-day event brought together Human Givens therapists, other mental health professionals and representatives from Veterans’ charities to explore the latest developments in trauma treatment for former members of the armed forces and their families.

Founded in 2009, the charity provides free mental health treatment for forces veterans, reservists and their families and is accredited by the Royal College of Psychiatrists to the Quality Network for Veterans Mental Health Services (QNVMHS).

In his opening remarks, PTSD Resolution Chairman Colonel Tony Gauvain (retired) highlighted the breadth of research and insights covered throughout the day.

“From emerging trends in the field to detailed case studies, today promises to further our understanding of how best to support those living with mental health issues,” he said. 

“By coming together to share knowledge, we can continue improving services and changing lives.”

The charity’s CEO Charles Highett then provided an update on PTSD Resolution’s groundbreaking work. The charity has treated over 4,000 veterans through its nationwide network of 200 therapists, who all deliver  Human Givens Therapy. The average of just seven sessions underscores the effectiveness of the pioneering HG Therapy used and the efficiency of its delivery.

The morning continued with an in-depth presentation by Ezra Hewing, Human Givens Therapist and Head of Mental Health Education at Suffolk Mind. His session explored the “shutdown response” triggered by trauma, offering attendees new ways to make sense of this instinctive reaction. He emphasised how better understanding clients’ innate coping mechanisms is key to guiding them through recovery.

After a short break, the conference resumed with a talk from Bill Andrews on forthcoming NICE guidelines around Real World Evidence. He explained how the value of studying therapeutic approaches in real clinical settings is gaining recognition. This could have positive implications for wider acceptance of Human Givens Therapy, found to be highly effective across thousands of PTSD Resolution beneficiaries.

The pre-lunch session gave an insight into therapists’ day-to-day work. Four practitioners presented diverse case studies and discussed their own ways of delivering therapy. From online and in-person sessions to particular techniques used, attendees saw how Human Givens principles can be applied flexibly based on each client’s needs and resources. A panel discussion allowed for an energetic exchange of views between therapists utilising different styles.

Following lunch, Bill Andrews returned to present the latest findings from the ongoing ‘Project 100 trial’, which is systematically monitoring outcomes across over 60 Human Givens practitioners. Early indications suggest excellent results, with the trial so far generating compelling real-world evidence for the therapy’s efficacy and the high level of beneficiaries who stay with the therapy from the start to a planned ending.

In closing remarks, Charles Highett congratulated attendees on a productive discussion and knowledge-sharing day.

“Conferences like these are invaluable for discovering new perspectives and research that allow us to enhance support for veterans,” he said. 

“We look forward to applying today’s insights in our continued efforts to deliver prompt, effective therapy to those who need it.”

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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