REME Charity

REME Responders – ‘Lifting the Decks’ The REME Mental Health Plan – What’s on your Mind?

The REME Charity, with assistance from the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, has established a network of volunteers and mentors throughout the UK and overseas, to be available should a member of the REME Family find themselves in a difficult place.  We are known as The REME Responders.

Inspired by the hugely effective ‘Always a Rifleman’ programme established by The Rifles, the initiative aims to provide a platform for REME Veterans, those currently serving and their families to share experiences, memories and reach out for help should the need arise.  The ‘What’s on your Mind’ platform is there for all to access at

Sadly, there are many occasions when Military Charities are dealing with their veterans right at the point of crisis, the REME Charity aims to establish comms with any REME Family members in difficulty before they reach that crisis point.  This is where the REME Responders come in.  It could be that someone needs help navigating an on line application, collecting medicines as they are housebound, needs a chat or needs to join in with a group of fellow REME veterans.  Talking with someone who understands their situation as they have served too.  We all have groups we are involved in, be it former units, sports groups or courses, REME Association branches/groups etc.  Just look at the Social Media platforms to see.  It could be that the individual needs a steer towards these or the many Armed Forces & Veterans’ Breakfast Clubs (AFVBC) or similar organisations.  There are many and the initiative will help with that steer.  The difficult part is encouraging the individual in potential difficulty to reach out in the first place.

If you think you can help as a volunteer REME Responder and would like more information, please email and further details will be sent.  Volunteers are welcome worldwide – the need could arise anywhere.  Also if you are a former REME officer or soldier, regular or reserve or indeed currently serving, or you know of someone in that category who may need help please reach out at and the REME Charity, aided by its magnificent network of REME Responders, will do what it can to help.

Once REME Always REME.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 54 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here