Scotland’s Armed Forces Children Charity Launches R&R Young Carers Fund

RCET: Scotland’s Armed Forces Children’s Charity has launched the R&R Young Carers Fund to provide Young Carers from Armed Forces families the opportunity to access more meaningful respite from the caring role.

The charity are delighted to be able to launch the R&R Young Carers Fund through generous support from the Scottish Government Veterans Fund managed by Veterans Scotland.

Armed Forces Young Carers can apply for up to £250 to spend on a respite item or activity of their choice. This can be alone, with friends, or with their cared-for person or another family member.

With the current COVID-19 restrictions in mind, the activity does not have to be a holiday break or day activity, it can be anything that suits the young carer’s needs.

Colin Flinn, Chief Executive of the Royal Caledonian Education Trust said,

We are delighted to be able to launch our new R&R Young Carers Fund. Being a Young Carer – whilst hugely rewarding – can also be tough and getting the right break at the right time is so important. We very much hope that many Armed Forces Young Carers are able to take this opportunity to recharge their batteries and enjoy doing something just for themselves.”

The Charity also hopes that this provision of funding will help them to identify and support more young carers who are currently not accessing other supports that could be helpful to them such as a Young Carers Statement.

If you, or an Armed Forces Young Carer you know in your area could benefit from RCET’s R&R Fund, then please contact RCET’s Children & Family Support Co-ordinator Karen on 0131 322 7350 or by emailing Application Forms and Guidance Notes can be downloaded from RCET’s website at

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