We have a new 5 week course starting Monday 21 February that will be delivered online for Veterans and will look at important topics in pain management such as:
- Understanding pain,
- Improving sleep,
- Pacing & finding balance in life,
- Stress awareness & management,
- Relaxation & grounding techniques and
- Anxiety & problem solving.
This is a new course for specifically for Veterans. It is based on a programme that has been running for 20+ years. People who have attended the course over the years have said that it has helped them in different ways including:
- Feeling more in control,
- Coping better,
- Improved sleep,
- More active & getting fitter,
- Feeling more positive,
- Better understanding,
- Being less affected by other people and
- Getting life back on track.
The course will be once a week for two hours via Zoom.
Find out more here: https://painassociation.co.uk/veterans