Skiing Holidays Assist Veterans’ Recovery From Injury


Over the last two weeks we have taken two separate groups of service men and women with physical and mental injuries on skiing holidays to Breckenridge in Colorado.

Skiing and the other challenging activities that we offer enable younger injured beneficiaries to overcome many of their fears and doubts about their capabilities post physical or mental injury. For a few days they are free from the stresses and problems of their rehabilitation and recovery and are able to focus on what they can achieve rather than what they cannot. Successfully overcoming these challenges renews enthusiasm, improves feelings of self-worth and encourages beneficiaries in other aspects of their lives, including rehabilitation, personal and family relationships and employment.

Breckenridge’s quiet slopes and the superb instructors from the Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center – US veterans themselves – make these few days incredibly valuable and rewarding.

We were also fortunate to have the voluntary help of an RAF veteran, who had seen our group in Breckenridge last year and gave up his own skiing holiday to join us and help with the group.


Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here