Sponsoring disabled Army Veterans’ Studies at The Open University

ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is proud to award a £20,000 grant to the Open University (OU) Disabled Veterans’ Scholarships Fund (DVSF) to provide study-related equipment and support careers-related activities.

Earlier this year our charity awarded a grant for 10 individual disabled army veteran OU scholarships over six years. This latest donation will help to provide a wide range of study equipment such as laptops, alternative study format materials, talking books and other online virtual learning materials. The grant will also support some part-funded student internships to help improve the disabled veterans’ employment prospects.

Jhumar Johnson, Director of Development, The Open University, said:

We are delighted that ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, whose work we hold in such high regard, has awarded this grant to the OU. ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is whole-heartedly invested in supporting Army veterans in accessing the transformative power of higher education. This award will have a great impact in helping those on the programme to access much needed study support equipment and materials, as well as to help fund internships; such experiences provide a great opportunity to improve their employment prospects.

From everyone involved with the Disabled Veterans’ Scholarships Fund at the OU, we’d like to pass on our heart-felt thanks and gratitude for ABF The Soldiers’ Charity’s continued support.

In praising the OU’s programme, disabled veteran scholars funded by ABF The Soldiers’ Charity have spoken about what they gained from their studies:

James Champion, former Army helicopter pilot and ABF The Soldiers’ Charity-funded scholar, said:

“I’m extremely grateful to have been awarded my scholarship, thank you with all my heart. I now want to give back and I know many more disabled veterans feel exactly the same.”

Another student said:

“With doing my OU degree, I now have a focus to aim for in life. I have found self-control, dedication and above all a new sense of satisfaction.

Brigadier (Ret’d) Peter Monteith, Chief of Staff at ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, added:

Education and training for army veterans is one of our charity’s key priority areas and we enjoy working with the OU. The disabled veterans scholarship scheme offers life-changing higher education opportunities and we are proud to be one of its longstanding sponsors.

To find out more about the Disabled Veterans’ Scholarship Fund, visit their website here.

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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