Location: Fulham, London SW6 1DT covering all Stoll developments and properties.
Responsible to: Head of Housing
Responsible for: Housing Officers
Job purpose
- Responsible to the Director of Housing for ensuring the delivery of a customer focussed housing and tenancy management service to ex-service personnel and their dependents.
- To ensure the provision of an effective and responsive housing and tenancy management service to all Stoll tenants across all sites.
- To be responsible for ensuring agreed performance outcomes and objectives.
Key Accountabilities
Lettings and allocations management
- To oversee the applications and allocations process, working with the Housing Administrator to ensure that all housing and transfer applications are processed effectively and voids on the patch are efficiently allocated and re-let targets met.
- Oversee viewings, sign ups and new tenant visits, ensuring good partnership working with the support team to ensure new tenants are aware of their rights and responsibilities and are fully supported through the process in order to successfully sustain their tenancies.
Tenancy management, rent arrears and tenancy enforcement
- Ensure all rent arrears are effectively monitored and action taken in accordance with Stoll policy and procedure.
- Ensure that tenants are supported to obtain independent advice from relevant agencies enabling them to maximise their income, and to reduce rent and other forms of arrears plus enabling them to sustain their tenancy.
- Provide an effective tenancy management service including dealing with issues of succession, name changes, change in circumstances and breaches of tenancy.
- Ensure that all cases of nuisance and anti-social behaviour are actively managed, taking appropriate action including the enforcement of tenancy conditions in accordance with Stoll policy and procedure.
- Ensure regular estate inspections are undertaken and appropriate action is taken to resolve issues identified which includes fire risk actions.
Tenant participation and engagement
- Support, encourage and facilitate tenants to be involved in decision making, to the extent that they wish to participate and are able to contribute to improvements in service delivery.
- Ensure that tenants are kept informed and consulted , including contributing to the preparation of the tenant newsletter.
Working in a team and with others
- Contribute positively to working in a team and across Stoll to deliver quality services to tenants/residents.
- Maximise own personal development by positively contributing to induction, supervision, training, appraisal and team meetings.
- Liaise and work with other agencies including housing, health and social care professionals as required.
- Act in a professional manner while on duty and when representing Stoll.
Financial control
- Ensure that good financial and welfare benefits advice is offered to tenants, using partner agencies where appropriate.
Record keeping and data management
- Maintain accurate and up to date tenancy files and records ensuring that information is understandable and reviewed regularly.
- Maintain confidentiality of records and information relating to tenants in accordance with Stoll’s Data Protection policy and procedures.
Quality and regulatory compliance
- Understand the legal framework in which Stoll provides housing and support to tenants and residents.
- Continuously look to improve the quality of services responding positively to customer feedback and complaints
Health and Safety
- To reivew the operating practices of the Maintenance Assistant and Cleaner on a regular basis in conjunction with the Housing Services Manager to ensure they remain healthy and safe.
- Work in accordance with Stoll policy and legislative requirements for health and safety and report any accidents or potential accidents and near misses.
Equality and diversity
- Manage and maintain services in accordance with the principles and practice of equality and diversity, taking into account individual needs and requirements.
- Carry out any other duties as required by the Housing Manager or Director of Housing.
Apply via CV sent to jobs@stoll.org.uk by 3 October 2024