Support for Bridge for Heroes

The Bridge for Heroes veteran’s charity had been operating as a ‘drop-in’ centre for over 10 years, serving the most vulnerable of the ex-service community.

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the charity realised that if it was to continue to provide the much-needed support to its beneficiaries, for which it was renown, during what was to become lockdown it had to change and change quickly.

Leaning heavily on the experienced gained by its veteran volunteers, trained to work in a biologically infected environment, the charity started work to transform itself into a comprehensive out-reach provider, offering even more help to those who now found themselves in self-isolation and lockdown in a wholly safe way, for both volunteers and beneficiaries alike.

This video, introduced by General the Lord Dannatt, GCB CBE MC, gives the story of that transformation and of the flexible quick thinking of the Charity’s core team of volunteers, upon whom so many vulnerable veterans place their faith.

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here