Veterans beach clean

We are with you for the Armed Forces in the Community recently held a beach clean and picnic to target social isolation, raise mental health and veteran awareness.

RAF Veteran & Veteran Lead of Cornwall, Mark Thomas, Veteran Lead, Ian Bell, and Positive People team member, Sally Fish, organised the event in Newquay in Cornwall.

We are with you for the armed forces in the community recognises the impact of social isolation and mental health difficulties can often be a contributing factor to substance abuse, which can be used as a coping mechanism.

Michelle from Health Watch Cornwall joined the team for the day. She is competing a project looking at mental health, and spoke with Veterans throughout the day to offer direct support avenues.

A spokesperson from We are with you for the Armed Forces in the Community said,

“The day was a huge success – well done to everyone involved!”

Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here