
X-Forces podcast: Mandy Small, Mother of 2019 Soldiering On Awards Winner, Jamie

Ren Kapur, Founder and CEO of X-Forces, writes:

“The arrival of the New Year is a time of hope and optimism for the future; a time when customarily we generally reflect on our personal goals and well-being of ourselves, and our loved ones.  In this spirit I am keen to share with you the humbling and poignant story of 2019 Soldiering On Awards winner Jamie Small, and his mother, Mandy and it is my hope that their story will also help anyone who may be struggling with their mental health and well-being.

“Hear how 9-year-old Jamie Small, determined to make the tragic death of his father, Chris, into a way of helping others and how he and his mother Mandy are building their future together, with the help of the armed forces community; and in turn, helping many others.  We are privileged and humbled to hear how, in Mandy’s words, “something so sad, can be turned into something positive and inspirational.”

“During the interview both Mandy and I talk about how the effects of suicide have had an impact on both of our lives. We have given our permission for the inclusion of this personal discussion, that took place during a break in the formal interview, because of our shared passion to help anyone who may be struggling.  We both want to ensure people know that they are not alone, and help is always available through the Armed Forces Community – and beyond.”

To hear the interview with Mandy Small, click here http://bit.ly/2CXkLq2

If you are affected by anything discussed in the interview, help and support is available to you.  Members of the Armed Forces Community can contact:

  • SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity’s Forcesline. This is a free and confidential telephone helpline and email service that provides support for serving (regulars and reserves), ex-Forces and for their families. Forcesline is open 09:00 – 17:30, Monday to Friday: Telephone: 0800 731 4880. Or go to: www.ssafa.org.uk/get-help/forcesline
  • In addition, you can contact the Samaritans: Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 116 123.
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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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