Regional Director, East Midlands
The role encompasses inter alia: representing the Charity in East Midlands; engaging a wide range of audiences both military and civilian on the work of the Charity to encourage support to regional fundraising, continual development of our volunteer fundraising, initiating and delivery of regional fundraising events & regional targets as set by Director of Regions and line management of the regional executive assistant (EA), briefing and liaison officer (BLO).
Closing date: Friday 17 March 2017
Interview date: Thursday 30 March 2017
Contract: Initial 2 Year Fixed Term Contract
Salary: Competitive plus benefits
Link to job roles: https://www.soldierscharity.org/jobs/
If you feel you have the right background, experience and skillset for the above roles please apply by sending your current CV and strong supporting statement to Tina Reading, HR Manager, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity. Email: treading@soldierscharity.org, for an informal discussion relating to this post please contact Nick Bodian, Regional Director East Midlands, tel: 0115 957 2103, email nbodian@soldierscharity.org