Armed Forces Outreach Service demonstrates earlier intervention really does work with a reduction seen in Mental Health and Debt

Through targeted work with the MOD and related services, the Armed Forces Outreach Service covering Gateshead, Newcastle and Durham have seen an 11% increase in referrals to the service who are still serving and a 16% increase in referrals who have left the forces within 6 months, this is all within a 39% increase in referrals to the service this year.

The Armed Forces Outreach Service is a local authority and registered social housing regional partnership, providing a regional dedicated front line service to the Armed Forces Community based within social housing. The data demonstrates we are providing support at an earlier stage and as result of this earlier intervention the service has seen the following results:

  • 12% reduction in mental health
  • 11% reduction in those who have been asked to leave the family home.
  • 8% reduction in referrals with rent arrears.
  • 4% reduction of cases with self harm.

Earlier intervention and assisting people to start their housing plans earlier results in improved accommodation outcomes, reducing stress and pressures not just for serving personnel but for the whole family going through the transition process.

The Armed Forces Outreach Service not only supports the Armed Forces Community to access accommodation, but we also provide support with ensuring that the requirements of rent are understood and that members of the Armed Forces Community are supported with establishing direct debits to prevent rent arrears.

Earlier intervention is reducing key areas of crisis that the service encounters when supporting the Armed Forces Community, often when they have been out of the forces for longer and haven’t received support and advice at the right time. We will continue to focus our efforts on providing this earlier intervention and reduce levels of crisis for members of the Armed Forces Community.

For further information about the service, please contact Abby Smith on 07395361233 or e-mail    

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here