The Trust is seeking to recruit an experienced and flexible Communications Officer with strong traditional and digital communication skills, stakeholder management and Public Affairs expertise. The role of the Communications Officer is critical to the effectiveness of FiMT in achieving its mission.
The Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) was established in 2011 with a £35 million endowment from the Big Lottery Fund to spend over a 20-year period. Our vision is for all ex-Service personnel and their families to lead fulfilled civilian lives, and our mission is to enable successful sustainable transition back to civilian life. The Trust awards grants and commissions research to generate a strong evidence base for influencing policy makers and service deliverers and has recently increased its focus on influencing and convening thought-leadership activity.
Full job description here.
To apply, please email a CV (no more than 2 sides of A4) and a Supporting Statement explaining how your skills and experience fit the role, to enquiries@fim-trust.org
The deadline for applications is Friday 29 May 2020.
Interviews will be held in the week commencing 15 June 2020 either in London or virtually, depending on the advice on COVID19.