Gallantry Art partners with veterans’ mental health charity

Gallantry Art has announced it will be supporting veterans’ mental health charity Combat Stress through the sale of artwork on its online gallery.

The gallery, that exclusively sells artwork created by both serving personnel and former servicemen and women, will donate 10% of profits to Combat Stress. This donation will support the work the charity does to help former servicemen and women deal with trauma-related mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Adam Holmes, Founder of Gallantry Art said;

“We chose to support Combat Stress as we felt there is a natural link between their use of Art Therapy for veterans and our belief that it is often the story behind the artist that makes good art great.

“We know that many of our artists have come through one of the charity’s programmes, so we are very aware of the positive impact of their work. We hope that by offering a platform exclusively for armed forces artists, we are able to share their stories and talents, providing our customers with powerful and meaningful art they can be proud to own.”

Robert Marsh, Director Income Generation at Combat Stress said:

“We are delighted that Gallantry Art has chosen to support Combat Stress.

“Each year we receive more than 2,000 referrals from former servicemen and women. It’s vital that we raise awareness and funds for the charity so we can continue to support every veteran that comes to us for help. The money we receive from Gallantry Art will help us to achieve this.

“Veterans at Combat Stress have the chance to explore art through occupational therapy and art therapy. Many veterans find they unlock a hidden talent or interest in this way. It’s positive that this initiative will help support these veterans by offering a way that they can sell their artwork.”

Tom Stimpson, a veteran who received treatment at Combat Stress, is one of the veterans selling his artwork through the website:

“I attended a residential treatment programme with Combat Stress in 2015 and it soon became apparent that, for me, art therapy was key. I began to open up and process things I had pushed to the back of the mind. I say ‘what the eye sees, the soul captures’.

“I still use painting when I’m having a bad day, it helps me to reflect on how I’m feeling and often those feelings come out in the art I create.

“Art is a great mindfulness technique and I find I get lost in it. When I’m painting, I’m in the picture and it takes my mind off how I’m feeling.

“I started art during my recovery, it turned in to a hobby and now I’m hopeful that it will turn in to a career. That would be the full journey, to create a job from the thing that I love.

“I’m looking forward to selling my artwork through the gallery and it’s great that sales will also help support Combat Stress.”

Tom’s artwork and artwork created by other veterans is available to buy at


For more information please contact Holly Ayres, PR Officer, on 01372 587165 or

Notes to editors:

Combat Stress is the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health.

For almost a century, we’ve helped former servicemen and women deal with trauma-related mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Over the past five years (2012 to 2017) we have seen an average of more than 2,000 referrals each year. Demand for our services continues to grow – we have seen a 143% increase in referrals from ten years ago.

On average it takes 12 years after leaving the military for veterans to contact Combat Stress for help, by which time their condition is often highly complex. However, veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts are coming to Combat Stress much sooner (three and four years respectively).

To help veterans rebuild their lives, we provide a range of free services:

  • Short-stay clinical treatment at our treatment centres
  • A specialist Intensive Treatment Programme – delivered at our treatment centres
  • Community Teams – providing treatment and practical support to veterans. Last year our regional community teams undertook almost 5,400 face-to-face appointments
  • Outpatients – assessment by psychiatrists and psychologists – at our treatment centres and in the community – enables us to diagnose, define and deliver the treatment veterans require
  • Occupational therapy – delivered at our treatment centres and in the community, we use meaningful and creative activity to encourage hope, wellbeing and recovery
  • Peer Support Service – Led by veterans for veterans, it’s the first UK-wide service of its kind for those with mental health problems. The service enables them to share their experiences, receive support and socialise with others with similar experiences.
  • Substance Misuse Case Management Service – helping veterans to access the services for their drug and alcohol problems so their mental health issues can be addressed
  • Our 24-hour Helpline is there for veterans, serving personnel and their families (0800 138 1619)

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