Her Majesty The Queen: Royal Star & Garter pays tribute

Royal Star & Garter has paid tribute to its Patron, Her Majesty The Queen as the sad news of her death was announced on 8 September.

Queen Elizabeth II became the charity’s Patron 69 years ago, and according to the charity’s Chair, Major General Tim Tyler, Her Majesty’s “support for Royal Star & Garter never wavered” during that time.

Royal Star & Garter provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia, with Homes in Solihull, Surbiton and High Wycombe. The charity was established in 1916 to care for severely disabled young men returning from WWI battlegrounds, and was based in Richmond until 2013.

Her Majesty became Royal Star & Garter’s Patron in 1953, following the death of her grandmother Queen Mary, and made several visits to the Richmond Home.

Expressing his deepest sympathies to the entire Royal Family, Major General Tyler said:

“Her Majesty The Queen’s role as our Patron was just one aspect of a reign characterised by support for good causes and devotion to public service.”

He explained that The Queen’s visits to Royal Star & Garter demonstrated

“genuine support and enthusiasm for the veteran community and our important work.”

He continued:

“As a veteran herself, Her Majesty had a natural affinity with our residents. Always a proud advocate of the Armed Forces community, The Queen’s support for Royal Star & Garter never wavered. It was an honour and privilege to have had Her Majesty’s patronage.”

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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