Naval Children’s Charity and Child Bereavement UK develop two books on helping navigate grief 

The Naval Children’s Charity (NCC) has released two booklets to support bereaved children and their parents and carers when a parent dies.

These resources have been produced in collaboration with Child Bereavement UK and are free to download from the NCC website.

The books have been written by young people in the Naval community who lost their parents during childhood.

Clare Scherer, Chief Executive of the NCC said:

The Naval Children’s Charity, together with Child Bereavement UK, brought together this group of young people to help us explore bereavement support for our Naval children with an additional focus on understanding how those bereaved earlier in life were being supported as they transitioned through into adulthood.

We were interested to understand how their experience has formed them and what could be done to help support other bereaved Naval children.

Ann Chalmers, Chief Executive of Child Bereavement UK  said:

When someone important to you dies, bereaved children and young people supported by Child Bereavement UK tell us they experience a range of confusing emotions and often feel that no one understands what they are going through. Talking to others in a similar situation can help them cope with their grief.

The guide for young people, ‘Navigating Grief: A guide for young people’, features the stories of our four Naval contributors: Holly Arkle, Ella Baragwanath, Marcus Besley and Ben Hanby.

They each have written poignant letters to other bereaved children, sharing their journeys in processing loss. It reveals that while every parent-child relationship is wholly unique, there are universal truths involved in bereavement.

Here is an excerpt from Ella’s letter:

Unfortunately, you are part of our club, but, there’s lots of us out here. It’s actually quite amazing: when you meet other people like you there is an immediate connection. It’s the loveliest reminder that you’re not on your own. As hard as it is right now, your life can and will get better, even better than you ever thought it could be.

Each of the four contributors has recorded an audio version of their letter, which can be downloaded from the NCC website.

The guide also includes tips on managing anxiety, how to connect with a surviving parent’s new partner and finding ways to remember.

‘Navigating Grief: A guide for parents and carers’ again draws on the experience of our Naval young people, but focuses on the support adults can give.

It breaks down the needs of children at different stages of their development, from toddlers to young adults.

Ann Chalmers adds:

“This guide developed by the young people supported by the Naval Children’s Charity will be enormously helpful to others who have experienced the death of someone important to them, helping them to find ways to cope with their grief and to know that they are not alone.“

The Bereavement Support Practitioners from Child Bereavement UK who helped our young people produce these booklets were Sophie Cartwright and Maria Tolley.

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