PAX Personal Accident (PA) is available to Service personnel to purchase should they wish to do so, which covers personal accidents at comparable premiums to civilians. It is a matter for individual Service personnel to decide whether they wish to enhance their protection further by taking out personal accident insurance cover and are not limited to purchasing cover through PAX PA Scheme.
The PAX PA Customer Satisfaction survey is open to all PAX and RPAX PA policy holders past and present and can be found by clicking on the following link:-
The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and your responses will be completely confidential. The survey will close on 1 March 2022. It would be greatly appreciated if you could take some time out to complete this survey.
Your feedback is important to PAX. The information you provide is invaluable and views whether negative or positive or a suggestion will help PAX have a clear view of how satisfied Service Personnel are with the service provided and help PAX to further shape and prioritise areas of improvement.