The first Progress Report from the Scottish Veterans’ Commissioner, showing the Scottish Government’s response to all 63 recommendations made by the previous Commissioner across his four reports, and the current Commissioner’s assessment of the progress made to date, has been published.
The aim is to reveal those areas that are proving to be most challenging and to help direct effort across the Scottish Government to focus on them.
You can find a link to the electronic Progress Report here
From Charles Wallace, the Scottish Veteran’s Commissioner:
When I started as Scottish Veterans Commissioner in September 2018, a fundamental question I wanted an answer to was the progress made by the Scottish Government against the 63 recommendations my predecessor, Eric Fraser made across his four key reports.
I requested a status report from the Scottish Government which I received in January 2019, and since then, my office has analysed it further and applied standard RAG (Red, Amber, Green) status reporting based on the facts supplied. The RAG status is my assessment of how well we are doing set against the original recommendations.
The report below outlines all of the recommendations and the RAG status applied to each of them based on the update provided by the Scottish Government. You can read the update for each recommendation by clicking the link in the column on the right.
You can read more about the background of the reports and recommendations, our approach to analysing progress, and what I feel are the key achievements and challenges highlighted by the report, here.