WOMEN INTO EMPLOYMENT: Exploring the opportunities and challenges for ex-military personnel and spouses

A new Officers’ Association event on 10 March 2021 aims to explore the challenges and opportunities facing female ex-military personnel and spouses seeking civilian employment.

A series of keynote presentations and panel discussions will discuss the key issues facing women as they seek to swap military life for civilian employment*:

  • The struggle to describe skills and experiences in a way that employers understand
  • Holding back from applying for roles if they do not 100% fit the criteria and a lack of confidence
  • Family commitments
  • Unsure where they best fit in industry

The event aims to discuss the opportunities and explore solutions to reducing barriers preventing former female military personnel excelling in the workplace:

  • Articulate the possible barriers to employment: translation of military skills, lack of commercial experience and the perception of female veterans.
  • Outline the practical family considerations faced by female military personnel affecting their employment outcomes; childcare, both partners serving in the military, location.
  • Profile successful female veterans now working in the civilian workplace
  • Raise the profile of female Service leavers to employers, highlighting the skills, training, and experience of all veterans
  • Provide a platform for employers to share how they are recognising and tackling these issues directly.

We aim to provide a top-level overview of the current recruitment and jobs market to help Service leavers, veterans and spouses understand current areas of growth, industry skills gaps and opportunities to upskill – and to give the audience an understanding of the types of skills and experiences business is looking for in the current climate, and how they can translate and articulate their own military experiences.  Panelists and contributors will offer their views covering a range of sectors and their experiences, and give the audience a rich, personal insight into the jobs market from their perspective.

Employers confirmed to speak: KPMG, tRIIo, NHS, PA Consulting, Focus7, Compass, Montessori Group, Recruit for Spouses and tech company, Sheperd.

For further information on the event: please contact Laura Blair, Director of Employment, Officers’ Association


* FiMT published research: September 2019. Female Service leavers and Employment

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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