To assist practically and financially any former member of the UK Armed
Forces who is Homeless, at risk of being Homeless or in unsafe/ unsuitable accommodation.
To facilitate the transition into secure, permanent accommodation and to put
measures in place / ensure appropriate referrals to ensure this is sustainable
To liaise with the local authorities in terms of veterans’ housing applications to
ensure the veteran is not disadvantaged due to their service or service related
Contact Information
PA16 9AZ
Support Offered
Assistance with any issues preventing the veteran from transitioning into secure, permanent accommodation (clothing for interviews, signposting for legal/ debt assistance, digital access assistance, transport )
Assist with deposits and 1st month’s rent for Private rentals
Liaison with local authorities and other official organisations where a veteran
is vulnerable and unable to do so.
Ensure that the veteran is referred to the correct organisations in terms of
physical and mental health requirements, benefits / financial support, training
and employment.
Referral to other organisations for Furniture, Carpeting and household goods
and assistance with these in emergency situations
Assistance with removal of furniture and household goods
Assistance with issues that prevent the veteran from sustaining secure
accommodation and family life – emergency hardship payments.