Member Directory

Charity Number: NIC100908
Company Number: NI607703

AA Veterans Support is a Northern Ireland based charity set up to provide help and support for Veterans and their families throughout Northern Ireland.

It is our aim to provide the necessary support services for those Veterans or their family members that may need our help.

We believe that our Forces and their families deserve our lifelong support, we aim to provide Practical, Training, Emotional and Financial support to anyone who is serving or has ever served and their families. Whenever they may need us, we’ll do whatever we can to help.

Our vow is that no matter the size of the problem we will provide help, advice and assistance in overcoming it.

Contact Information
Unit C3 Edenderry Industrial Estate
326 Crumlin Rd
BT14 7EE
028 9074 7071

Support Offered

Practical, Training, Emotional and Financial support

Charity Number: 1039386
Company Number: 2751104

Change Step is a veteran to veteran peer mentoring and advice service. This service is for military veterans and others with post-traumatic stress disorder and a range of psychosocial problems who want to make positive changes to their lives.

Change Step offers effective support for veterans, their families and carers in Wales – enabling them to access vital support services and tackle serious stress and related issues.

Our team of peer mentors use their own experiences to help fellow veterans and their loved ones confront challenges in their lives and manage their journeys of recovery.

Contact Information
Ty Dafydd Alun
39 Princes Drive
Colwyn Bay
LL29 8LA
0300 777 2259

Support Offered

The programme offers peer support, training and case management through engagement with relevant health and welfare services. Change Step works collaboratively with statutory bodies and other relevant organisations to ensure an accessible and comprehensive framework by which to guide individuals towards the most appropriate service.

Charity Number: 1153185
Company Number: 08633047

Launchpad is a homeless veterans charity providing vital accommodation and targeted support to UK Armed Forces’ veterans who have struggled with their transition to civilian life.

86% of residents who come to us were either street homeless or sofa surfing. Many of the residents have mental health issues, ranging from anxiety to service and non-service-related PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Some need help with addictions while others have found themselves homeless because of relationship and family breakdowns or not being able to secure paid employment.

The charity manages three houses in Liverpool, Newcastle, and Durham and accepts veterans from all over the UK. It provides accommodation for 98 homeless veterans and their partners where relevant. These projects often provide the first safe space in which veterans have slept for months or years.

Residents are supported for up to two years (longer if necessary) but on average, they will stay with us for 12 months.

Veterans are referred to Launchpad by partners including OP Fortitude, Shelter, local authorities, housing associations and the Royal British Legion. We have good relationships with the Armed Forces Covenant teams in each area and regularly receive referrals of homeless veterans needing support from the housing departments. We have strong working relationships with Newcastle City, Liverpool City and Durham County Councils. All recognise the value of and need for our work.

Contact Information
c/o Enterprise House
Harmire Enterprise Park
Barnard Castle,Co. Durham
DL12 8XT
0300 1111 238

Support Offered

Fully refurbished, self-contained flats to rent in Newcastle, Liverpool and Durham.

Communal facilities for recreation and training, WiFi, laundry room and garden.

Assistance to arrange and manage benefits and finances.

Assistance to provide welfare and mental health support, as well as signposting to experts, as necessary.

Training for employment through other providers.

Assistance with job searches and job applications, with other providers.

Assistance with search for permanent accommodation, with other providers.

Access to recreational, sporting and adventure pursuits, with other providers.

Engagement with the local community.

Company Number: 21084R

To provide affordable and sensitively managed sheltered housing for people over 60 years of age, giving priority to those who have served in the Armed Forces and their surviving partners or relatives.

Contact Information
Agamemnon House
Lindisfarne Close

Support Offered

We offer sheltered housing that is supported by an on-site warden. Accommodation consists of single and double flats within a communal court set in beautiful grounds.

Charity Number: 1155813

Age Cymru Dyfed promotes the health and well-being, primarily of older people, in and around west wales (ie the counties of Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire).

The charity provides a range of services including Information & Advice relating to financial and physical and emotional wellbeing; Byw Adref (home help); Befriending Life Links; Hospital Discharge; Digital Inclusion; nail cuttings; Covid-19 support; and information and support to older veterans of the British Armed Forces

Contact Information
27 Pier Street
SY23 2LN

Support Offered

On-going information, advice and support to older military veterans including supporting access to welfare benefits and military pension/compensation claims, befriending, advocacy, housing adaptations, Covid-19 emergency support; help to establish digital connections etc

Coordinating the establishment of the West Wales Veterans Archive in the National Library of Wales:

Charity Number: 1006504
Company Number: 2604011

Ending homelessness for veterans by providing a pathway of accommodation and support to enable them to move on to a successful, independent and fulfilling life

Contact Information
Riverside House
2 Watt Road
01722 322 882

Support Offered

Temporary supported accommodation – both higher and lower support homes, through which residents can transition to independence

Signposting to specialist support services

Mentoring and Befriending

Charity Number: 268639

To give everyone an opportunity to have a home, and to work towards independent living with their community. By enabling each individual to achieve their outcomes through high quality personal development plans and demonstrating best practice in the way that we work. This is achieved by being creative and innovative whilst respecting individual rights and needs working with local and national partners.

Contact Information
31a Prebend St
Mk40 1QN
01234 334 607

Support Offered

We have skilled and dedicated staff working in the areas of Mental Health, Education, Employment and training, Life Skills etc. and properties in the following locations:
• Northampton
• Bedford
• Sandy
• Wellingborough
• Corby
• Leicester
• Leighton Buzzard
• Luton
• Aylesbury
• Huntington
The services is for single individuals of 16 to 65.

Academic Institution

Contact Information
Veterans & Families Institute
Anglia Ruskin University
Chelmsford Campus, Bishop Hall Lane,Chelmsford

Support Offered

The Veteran & Families Institute Director, Matt Fossey has extensive expertise in the UK voluntary sector, including working with the mental health charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness as National Stakeholder Manager on the national anti-stigma campaign “Time to Change”. Matt is chair of the National Veterans Offender Working Group and is also a member of the DWP Veterans Working Group. Matt is a Senior Associate with the Centre for Mental Health and is also vice-chair of Healthwatch Essex. Matt has written widely including publications on veterans’ health and wellbeing, mental health and liaison psychiatry, including a number of key publications with economist Michael Parsonage.
Matt is supported by a host of academics researching issues related to veterans and their families including, Post Operational Stress Management, the effects of limb loss, Sexual Violence, Veterans in the Criminal Justice System, Spousal Employment and , Mental Health.

The Veterans Research Hub provides an accessible, contemporary and authoritative repository of UK and international research-related resources and literature on military veterans and their families, including transitions to civilian lives, that informs and stimulates research, policy development, improved service delivery and journalistic enquiry.”Work on the project began in autumn 2015, hosted within the Veterans & Families Institute (VFI), and will run to autumn 2017, by which time the Hub itself will be established.

Charity Number: 1191968

The Hub provides a Tri-Service Hub offering a safe environment with a single point of focus for Armed Forces Personnel, Service Leavers, Veterans and their families/dependents providing the best, timely, on-going, comprehensive and appropriate support/signposting through various diverse and trusted providers using a multi-disciplined approach of joined up working to achieve an optimised, efficient, person centred service to its users promoting high levels of engagement, increased confidence, resilience and well-being, self-efficacy and the facilitation of skills transfer for the individual back into the community.

The Hub researched ‘best practice’ by working with veterans and has obtained a reputation for focusing its outcomes on work and health related activities. Whereas other veteran charities focused on generic counselling and support services, The Hub focuses on working with veterans to stabilise their lives and then help them back into work, resulting in real job outcomes and improving their quality of life.

Contact Information

First Floor
6 Southernhay West

Support Offered

The Hub Offer, Products and Services, Key Features and Benefits:

• City Centre Location, easy access in the heart of the Community.
• The model is both enabling and supportive, perceiving the wounded, injured and sick part of the veteran and service leaver’s community as an asset. Our activities are driven by our values which include Community, Peer Support, Voluntary Service, Professionalism, independence and inclusivity (service available to all eligible).
• It is not a military charity, therefore non-judgmental. We will treat all Veterans and Service Leavers with unconditional regard whatever their circumstances or experience.
• Complimentary service NOT a competitive one. A catalyst between organisations providing a common link but a single point of triage.
• Identifies critical issues and deals with them.
• Person-centred and solution focused speaking the same language as client group.
• Appointments are not time bound and clients are seen immediately.
• Not constrained by the ‘Form A’ process of other military charities, more flexible so can provide help immediately.
• Community focused (Local service with local connections and opportunities) with defined objective of transferring veteran’s and service leaver’s skills back into the Community i.e. Employment, Volunteering, Work Experience or other meaningful occupation.
• Offers ‘safe’ environment where clients are therefore happy to engage, re-instating a feeling of trust and self-worth.
• Bespoke employment and training information and advice.
• Bespoke personalized support, mentoring and coaching.
• Reduced isolation and increased integration with society/community through Peer Support and Volunteering.
• Access to advice and information surgeries.
• Quicker referral routes/access to specialist services – Help for Heroes, Veterans UK, SSAFA,
NHS Veterans Mental Health Services, op Courage, Combat Stress, RBL contact centre, for those currently serving, Service Leavers, Veterans and their families/Dependents, Assistance
with claims to DWP Benefits (JSA, ESA, PIP), Homelessness/Housing Advice, RFEA, Poppy
Factory, RAFA, Officer’s Association, Drug and Alcohol Services, War pensions & Armed Forces
Compensation Scheme (AFCS) advisor service – support with appeals.
• As a result of above reduced pressure on statutory services.
• Bespoke support for those leaving the Criminal Justice System or at risk of offending/re-offending working with The Police and NHS Liaison and Diversion Services.
• Partnership approach of “The Hub” – by working together with military services and charities, means that overall military based services are not duplicating support. Charities are working together to make sure that their services are not duplicated and can work directly with other military organisations.
• Closers connections – closer working results in closer connections and faster action for client. A wrap-around service is provided to the client in one location – resulting in less travel, less form filling, less referral appointments and a truly in-depth service that meets most of the client’s needs.

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Our Executive Members

By @Cobseo 55 years ago

Afghanistan support

In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here