New Year New Career

Make 2018 the year you get the job you want.

If at the end of last year you were feeling dissatisfied with the direction you career was heading in, then you might want to consider a change. Easier said than done, but engineering a career move or a change in role is perfectly possible, provided you plan carefully and make the effort. Here are some top tips.

Find the job you want
Maximise your potential by choosing a career that interests you. Identify what you want from work, both on a day-to-day and long-term basis. Do you want to travel? Work flexible hours or work from home? What new skills do you want to gain? Follow this link to the full article.

What are your values?
Think carefully about your values, and ensure your career aligns with them. Your needs and values are the foundation to build an authentic you. Do you want a job that helps people? Is providing for your family the main priority? These should be the key drivers in identifying your next job or career.

For support on deciding what you want from work, register to have a free career consultation.

Are you prepared to begin again?
Are you willing and able to start at the bottom and retrain in a new field? Although you should not be afraid to take the plunge, consider the implications for you and your family. A junior role with a small salary can be disheartening, but remember to take the long term view and remind yourself why you were looking for a career change in the first place. Success is a journey, not a destination. Follow this link to the full article.

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By @Cobseo 55 years ago

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In light of recent events in Afghanistan, please find information and support resources here